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Is walking barefoot genuinely healthy?

Is walking barefoot genuinely healthy?

Feet are the part of the body which experience the most work, regardless of whether you work in a sedentary job or are on your feet all day. The health of your whole body is derived from the health of your feet. We often hear advice about how to care for our feet. One of them is walking barefoot. Is it really as healthy as people say?
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How to get rid of the feeling of cold feet

How to get rid of the feeling of cold feet

Do your feet feel like they are freezing not just on autumn and winter evenings but almost all year round? You should start paying attention. You are probably suffering from poor blood flow to the lower limbs, which can lead to more serious complications. We have several tips for you about how to get rid of the feeling of cold feet for good.
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Jak řešit propadlou nožní klenbu

Jak řešit propadlou nožní klenbu

Chůze je jednou z nejdůležitějších aktivit pro zdravé lidské tělo. Jenže i tu vám může silně znepříjemnit propadající se nožní klenba. Nejdřív vás ani nebudou bolet nohy, později budete rádi, když se na své nohy vůbec postavíte. Jak zabránit propadající se nožní klenbě a udržet své nohy zdravé? Na to jsme se zaměřili v našem článku.

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4 tips for hammer toes guaranteed to help you

4 tips for hammer toes guaranteed to help you

Do you suffer from hammer toes or would you like to prevent them from forming? This initially trivial problem can develop into long-term complications that can make your life very uncomfortable. But we don't want that. Let's take a look at four tips that are guaranteed to help you cure your hammer toes and keep your feet healthy.
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Do you think you have flat feet? Take a look at some of the most common symptoms

Do you think you have flat feet? Take a look at some of the most common symptoms

Are you worried about flat feet? Transverse flat feet are a deformity that most frequently affects adult women who wear high-heeled shoes. However, complications can also be experienced by children from an early age. Take a look at some of the most common symptoms of transverse flat feet and also treatment methods that can help avoid and prevent complications in the future.
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GUIDE: How to choose the correct size of Foot Alignment Socks

GUIDE: How to choose the correct size of Foot Alignment Socks

We currently offer Foot Alignment Socks as prevention and assistance for swollen feet, bunions, hammer toes and other deformities, in three basic sizes. We are often asked what size should be selected if foot size is somewhere in between the sock sizes offered. We have prepared a guide for you, including specific advice about how to choose your socks in this case.
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Adjustační ponožky - a bolesti nohou odejdou po svých

Adjustační ponožky - a bolesti nohou odejdou po svých

Pro mnoho lidí jsou Adjustační ponožky stále neznámou. Co naopak znají dobře, jsou bolesti nohou, otoky, křeče a další potíže, které se jim připomínají každý večer. A Adjustační ponožky vznikly právě proto, aby s těmito potížemi zatočili. Pojďme se společně podívat na to, proč a jak Adjustační ponožky pomáhají udržet nohy zdravé.
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Exercises for bunions that will help you

Exercises for bunions that will help you

Bunions, or hallux valgus, is a problem that affects the entire sole of the foot and is most often associated with fallen transverse arches. At the same time, this deformity is accompanied by contracted muscles in the sole, shortened abductor hallucis, and blockages of the toe and minor foot joints. In the paragraphs below you will learn how to help your feet while persuading your big toe to return to its original position.
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Trápí vás hallux valgus? Předejděte operaci

Trápí vás hallux valgus? Předejděte operaci

Jistě jste se setkali s pojmem hallux valgus a s ním spojené riziko operace. Ne vždy však musí nutně dojít k operaci. A když ano, neznamená to, že po operaci máte automaticky vyhráno. Vbočený palec na noze, jak se tento zdravotní problém nazývá v češtině, trápí mnoho lidí všech věkových kategorií, zejména pak dospělé od 40. do 60. roku. Co přesně hallux valgus znamená a jak předejdete nejhoršímu?
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 Best-selling products
    • Foot Alignment Socks GREEN
    • Adjustační ponožky GREEN
    • The Original Foot Alignment Socks are made of soft cotton and polyester blend. They are lose fitted crew sock...
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    • incl. VAT22,95 €
    • incl. VAT22,95 €
    • Foot Alignment Socks PURPLE
    • Adjustační ponožky PURPLE
    • The Original Foot Alignment Socks are made of soft cotton and polyester blend. They are lose fitted crew sock...
    • incl. VAT22,95 €
    • incl. VAT22,95 €