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Foot alignment socks in practice: How they helped Zuzana T. and others

  • Added: 29.09.2020   |   37462 readings / views

We are pleased to see that our Foot Alignment Socks really help our customers. From time to time, some share their experiences with us, for example, in Facebook reviews. Other satisfied customers write to us directly, like physical therapist Tatiana Bošková, who shared the experience of one of her patients, Zuzana T. Take a look at some of the other stories from our customers. 

First the words of Tatiana Bošková

Tatiana Bošková is a physical therapist who has worked in the field since 2009. She mainly focuses on children with scoliosis and women with incontinence. During her practice, however, she has learned that both the positioning and the actual shape of the feet have an enormous impact on proper therapy. Poor motor development in combination with poorly-selected shoes can lead to foot deformities. Here's what Tatiana had to say about her experience: 

"I was looking for a way to help patients in such situations. I'm a proponent of conservative treatments that can be done at home without greater financial cost. One of the most important components of conservative treatment is physical therapy. It improves the position of the feet and the muscle function in the legs and corrects walking patterns, for example by involving the big toe in rebound.

The right exercises with various aids can lead to a rapid improvement in the baseline. One of the aids I suggest to my patients is alignment socks. I also use them to prevent possible deformities and complications. I would like to share with you the experience of one of my patients with wearing alignment socks and exercising in them.

The experience of Zuzana T.                                         

“First visit to the rehab clinic: Mrs. Bošková recommended foot alignment socks that I was supposed to use for at least an entire month. She also recommended some exercises to reduce my symptoms and activate the muscles in my feet. That evening, I put the alignment socks on for the first time. I could only get them over the first third of my toes, and I only left them on for 15 minutes. After taking them off I had some unpleasant joint pain at night. When I woke up the next day, everything was normal, no pain. After the fourth day of using alignment socks, I felt less pain in my ankles and toes.

1st visit to the clinic

Now I was wearing the socks for 20 minutes at a time and had got them halfway up my toes.  
On the seventh day of use, my right foot didn't hurt at all, while the joint of my big toe hurt a little on my left foot after taking them off. Now I could get the socks on fully and wore them for 30 minutes before going to sleep.

On the tenth day, I started wearing the alignment socks for 45 minutes before going to bed. Completely pain-free. After taking them off, I felt a pleasant relaxation in my feet. At each following rehab session, I learned new exercises and suggestions for improving my posture, which was very unnatural because of gymnastics.

After a month, I wear the alignment socks regularly for one or even two hours before bed. The next day my feet are beautifully rested and nothing hurts at all. It's an excellent aid. Now I couldn't do without them.”

after one month of wearing

Other experiences 

Physical therapist Tatiana Bošková is not the only therapist who recommends alignment socks to patients. For example, physical therapist Karolína W. wrote us the following: “Very good experience from my physical therapy office. Feeling of relief, alleviation of problems. It's a yes for me." You can also find interesting interviews on our blog, for example with physiotherapists Bc. Lenka Tichá or Marcela Ehlová, DiS.

We have also heard from customers who purchased alignment socks based on recommendations from people they know: “I can't praise them enough. Sometimes I'm at work for 15 hours a day. When I put them on in the evening, it's a great relief.  In the morning I can tell the difference," writes Jana F.

Have you also purchased The Original Foot Alignment Socks? Share your experience with us and help others decide whether to buy them or not. Write us a review on Facebook or write to us directly. We highly value every review, because it helps us move forward in what we love, which is not only to make people happy, but also to help them. 

  • ZB
    Zdenka BabákováRespond
    Added 21. february, 07:54 from 5.22.152.***
    Mám je od vánoc,používám je denně a musím konstatovat,že vbočený palec a kladívkové prsty se mi pomalu rovnají.pevné semknutí prstů k sobě se uvolnilo,nevěřila jsem,že můžou mi tak pomoci

  • Mi
    Added 08. march, 07:30 from 37.48.33.***
    Nikde tu nečtu že se s nima velmi špatně chodí, ještě horší dáte třeba papuče.

  • 1 answer

  • ha
    Added 11. october, 10:30 from 213.29.236.***
    Dobrý den,mám syndrom neklidných nohou.Prosím pomáhají tyto ponožky na tento problém???Mám potíže hlavně v noci a nic nepomáhá.A ještě jeden dotaz.Mám nohu 37,jaké číslo ponožek bych si měla objednat???A ještě kolk je poštovné???Děkuji Holá Hana

  • 2 answers

  • ŠG
    Šárka GavurováRespond
    Added 16. december, 17:24 from 37.188.255.***
    Dobrý den . Mohu používat tyto ponožky ,i když nemám vybočené palce . Ale mám bolesti kyčlí? Děkuji

  • Mi
    Added 17. April, 22:45 from 46.167.252.***
    Mám asi problém,jelikož chodím v podstatě stále. V noci kojím a vstávám cca co 2 hodiny, a vždy ještě běžím na WC. Nemám žádný dlouhý úsek,nebo ani krátký,který by se dal předem předvídat, že nepobezim k jednomu z dětí. Tak budu asi muset s pouzivanim ponozek počkat až po mateřské....

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